The Met Gala is a night to standout, to dress to impress and really make a statement.
Who ended up getting most of the press, the woman of the moment, who can do no wrong, Zendaya! She knows how to grow her brand right!!!
All the press and news focused on her OTT dress and look. And why wouldn’t they? The more extreme, the more interest, the more people talk about you.
Zendaya is a master of using fashion and costume to create attention. She did it at the Dune 2 Premiere in London and countless other times. By doing so it makes it more than her own beauty and looks, it is the theatre, the shock, the fun.
She has grown her personal brand perfectly, and she does it with the intent to become the most bankable Hollywood actor. Studios know if they cast her she’ll create a massive amount of ‘free marketing’ with all the buzz that she generates.
This is an example to all those in business. Look to find ways to create attraction and attention. And don’t be half-hearted about it as no one will notice if you do.