Nourish your Brand

We have a lot of opinions and thoughts on brand and the power of brand. Click some of our posts below to read more

A great brand with an average product defeats a great product with an average brand

Brand is a barrier to entry

How Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs relates to brands

The branding of Manchester City

It’s the way you make me feel!

Great brand, great business

Are you rational?

The truth

Where do you belong?

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

The brand formula

Brand reality vs Brand Fantasy

Investing in your brand might be your best investment yet

Brand value

If you are not going to make a statement, don’t bother showing up

The Brand Godfather

Swarovski vs Ebay

The biggest effect you can have on profitability

What makes Doc Martens better than the average pair?

Better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring

The mantra I live by

Having a USP is worthless!

Function or emotion?

Does your business serve a need or a desire?

The Startup journey

Do you create feelings?

No industry gets brand like the fashion industry

Is brand building part of your day-to-day?

Brand packaging

Who am i?

Bland vs Brand

If competition doesn’t challenge your thinking, what will?

Your brand impact

Can you handle being different?

How is a brand born?

How much can a logo really say about a company?

Do you trade off emotion or just function?

Brand is the art of seduction for business

When should you f*ck with a logo?

A magical tool

Brand = protection

It doesn’t matter what industry you are in…

How do you get someone to buy?

Are you a commodity or a brand?

Production vs Promotion

Hollywood gets it!

Nike Brand Development

Who does all the heavy lifting in your business?