
Brand Development

The background: Everglade Windows are one of the largest fabricators of windows and doors in the South-East of the UK. They celebrated their 35 years in business in 2015 and wanted to take this opportunity re-brand.

What we did: A major part of this project was to engage the staff base as part of the re-branding process. We conducted stakeholder interviews with a large cross-section of the staff from factory floor workers, who produce the windows and doors, to the management. We also got core teams involved in developing the brand values by doing workshops with them all.

After building the values we embarked on a large design project where we changed the identity, and introduced a new colour palette, as their existing colour of blue was well overused within the industry. We also looked at ways the staff could engage with the new brand internally, which meant signage within the factory and other elements in the office workstations.

Another major piece of work for Everglade was creating a brand book, a brochure for clients and other parties to engage with, which shows off their history and the values that they espouse.


  • Research
  • Stakeholder Interviews
  • Brand Values
  • Brand Story
  • Identity
  • Marketing Campaigns